Diagnostics Cyber
Établissez rapidement votre posture cyber.
Socles de conformité
Feuille de route
Automatiquement établie selon vos avancées et vos objectifs cyber
Gestion des projets
Planifiez, déléguez, et avancez en toute confiance.
Recueil de preuves
Documentez la conformité en temps réel.
Rapports et dashboards
Téléchargez en un clic un aperçu de votre conformité.
Embarquement des équipes
Mobilisez, sensibilisez et contrôlez toute l'équipe.
Passeport Cybersécurité
Valorisez vos efforts avec ce gage de confiance numérique.
Assistants IA
New !
Répond à vos questions cyber et vous simplifie la vie.
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Trouver un expert cyber certifié
Découvrez notre programme de partenaires certifiés
Tous les avantages pour accélérer vos missions cyber et protéger vos clients.
Devenir partenaire
Rejoignez les rangs des partenaires certifiés Qontrol, et gagnez des missions.
Trouver un expert cyber certifié
Accélérez vos projets de conformité avec l'aide d'un Expert Cyber Certifié Qontrol.
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Free trial
Become a Qontrol certified partner and accelerate your missions
Join our network of experts and benefit from advanced tools to optimize your efficiency, expand your service portfolio and increase your revenues.
20% time saved on mission delivery
Say goodbye to multiple, handmade Excels.
Centralization of missions
Follow the progress of your client missions in the blink of an eye, all centralized on the same platform.
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Integrated diagnostics and audits
Trigger diagnostics in one click, to quickly assess the cyber posture of your customers.
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Up-to-date range of standards
Choose your compliance frameworks, or assemble a tailor-made compliance journey.
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Impress your clients
Raise the quality of your services and deliverables thanks to our integrated playbooks.
State-of-the-art project management
Manage your projects from a dedicated cockpit, allowing you to plan, delegate, and accelerate the execution of cybersecurity policies.
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Compliance reports at your fingertips
Promote your services to customers by sharing detailed reports on the progress of projects and their compliance.
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Automated evidence collection
Engage the entire team in automated playbooks making collecting evidence a breeze.
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Why integrate Qontrol into your offering?
A price suitable to SMEs
To expand your customer portfolio.
Join our directory of experts
A new customer acquisition channel.
Retain clients
Supercharge loyalty by providing quality service and communicating clearly on your clients' progress.
More missions, less time
Jusqu'à 20% de missions supplémentaires.
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